The difference is a virtual no-brainer.
While chatbots and virtual assistants may appear to be similar technologies, they are very different. Chatbots are built on early-gen technology, with simple functionality that often frustrates customers. With conversational AI advancing leaps and bounds, end-user expectations are growing for a more intuitive, natural experience. Enter Clinc’s virtual assistants. These cutting-edge and pre-built solutions are a big step up from a chatbot, helping you tackle the most challenging customer conversations, automatically.
We Believe
Chatbot: Early-gen tech
Virtual Assistant: Cutting-edge tech
- Large coverage but poor containment rate
- No conversational turns or context retention
- FAQ style with simple responses such as a direct link to external resources
- Limits experience due to clear bot behavior and response limitations
- Functional experience, but not exceptional
- Easier to build, hard to make robust
- Large coverage and 85%+ containment
- Conversational turns with context retention
- Self-service first with personalized responses, FAQ as needed
- Closer to an agent experience
- Functional and natural experience that drives adoption
- Harder to build, but easier to make robust